Davorin Pipes

Morta Pipes by Davorin Denovic. Morta is petrified bog oak that is between 2,000 - 10,000 years old. Making it older than any briar imaginable. It is very porous, lightweight and smokes incredibly dry and smooth. The making of Morta pipes was, first started by Peterson's of Dublin in the 1930's and again during WWII due to shortages of briar.

The modern Morta pipe was reborn due to the efforts Davorin Denovic in Croatia, Trevor Talbert when he lived in France and Paolo Becker in Italy. Working with Morta is very different than briar and demand the use of specialized machinery and different techniques. That is why few well known pipe makers who have ventured into this territory have rarely done as well as with their briar pipes. Davorin also makes some briar pipes.

Davorin has written an extensive FAQ on Morta pipes as per the link below. The most important question is how does it smoke. Its different than briar but as a customer said " it is everything meerschaum is supposed to be".

About Davorin    Morta Pipes FAQ